Scientific publications

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In scientific journals:

LINKAGE, an online tool to support interdisciplinary biomimetic design teams
E Graeff, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
Journal of Mechanical Design, DOI: 10.1115/1.4049969, 2021
Biological Practices and Fields, Missing Pieces of the Biomimetics’ Methodological Puzzle
E Graeff, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
Biomimetics, DOI: 10.3390/biomimetics5040062, 2020
A shared framework of reference, a first step towards engineers' and biologists' synergic reasoning in biomimetic design teams
E Graeff, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
Journal of Mechanical Design, DOI: 10.1115/1.4047905, 2020
Biomimetics, where are the biologists?
E Graeff, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
Journal of Engineering Design, DOI: 10.1080/09544828.2019.1642462, 2019
Biomimetics and its Tools
K Wanieck, PE Fayemi, N Maranzana, C Zollfrank, S Jacobs
Bioinspired Biomimetic and Nanobiomaterials, DOI: 10.1680/jbibn.16.00010, 2017
Biomimetics: process, tools and practice
PE Fayemi, K Wanieck, C Zollfrank, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
Bioinspiration & biomimetics, DOI: 10.1088/1748-3190/12/1/011002, 2017
Biomimétisme et supports méthodologiques
Editions TI| Techniques de l'Ingénieur, 2015

In scientific conferences:

How do designers impact the biomimetic concepts typology?
A Letard, E Graeff, N Maranzana, K Raskin, A Aoussat
Proceedings of E&PDE 2020
Engineers’ and Biologists’ Roles during Biomimetic Design Processes, Towards a Methodological Symbiosis
E Graeff, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
Proceedings of the ICED 2019
Design et biomimétisme : Quel rôle pour le designer ?
A Letard, K Raskin, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
Proceedings of CONFERE 2018
Conception biomimétique : Quels acteurs pour quelles attentes ?
E Graeff, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
Proceedings of CONFERE 2018
Role of biologists in biomimetic design processes: Preliminary results
E Graeff, N Maranzana, A Aoussat
Proceedings of DESIGN 2018
Modeling biological systems to facilitate their selection during a bio-inspired design process
PE Fayemi, N Maranzana, A Aoussat, T Chekchak, G Bersano, 2015
Proceedings of the ICED 2015
Bio-inspired design characterisation and its links with problem solving tools
PE Fayemi, N Maranzana, A Aoussat, G Bersano
Proceedings of DESIGN 2014